We are pleased to publish La Scuola K-5 Curriculum Milestones and Competencies summarizing the learning across all subject areas at each grade level in the elementary program. La Scuola is a World School accredited by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB) for both the Primary Years and Middle Years Programmes and this curriculum project has been a long-term aspiration for the school.
IB Program of Inquiry

In the Primary Years program – Grandi early years through Grade 5 elementary – learning is transdisciplinary and concepts in Science, Social Studies and Geography, for example, are explored and understood through units of inquiry.
Transdisciplinary Themes Explored at Each Grade Level

Who We Are – An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.
Where We Are In Place and Time – An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.
How We Express Ourselves – An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.
How The World Works – An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.
How We Organize Ourselves – An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.
Faculty Expertise
Immense respect and appreciation is enthusiastically passed to our talented faculty members, for their active role in shaping the milestones and competencies content and in collaboratively creating and consistently innovating a PYP Program of Inquiry across these years at La Scuola.
Layers of Pedagogical Programming
A walk through with you:
- The Milestones and Competencies publications are foundations for every academic year.
- As you might imagine, your child’s educators work at a more granular level (skills) when planning the weekly learning each academic year.
- Milestones, competencies and skills are aligned with the IB Scope & Sequences, Common Core Standards and the Italian “Indications”.
- La Scuola is accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) as a scuola paritaria and by the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS).
- On this deep foundation, La Scuola faculty research and select curriculum materials across subject areas for the student-centered units of inquiry.
- A landscape of learning experiences and materials are envisioned and developed in each subject area with the student age, interests and IB Learner Profile in mind.
- The Montreal language immersion model informs the languages of instruction for homeroom subject areas (Italian and English) in the elementary program.
- Questions from and for students are essential to the social constructivist approach that is visible across the curriculum. Students’ questions can lead to discussion, debate, further research, interviews, discovery and change.
- The Reggio Emilia approach to learning through 100 languages and having a high image of the child elevates inquiry, research and student agency. The environment as a third teacher can inspire transformative learning.
Curriculum Milestones and Competencies
More Curriculum Publications to Come
A similar publication for the Middle School grades/IB Middle Year Programme will be shared in March. Milestones and Competencies for Spanish in Grades 4 and 5 will also be published at the same time as the Middle School publication. Spanish is a third language introduced in our Grade 4 Program.
If you have any questions about the information provided, please reach out, we would love to hear from you. Grazie!
Sally Peterson
Director of Teaching & Learning
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