We are excited and honored to announce that La Scuola International received our Parificazione (Italian Government Accreditation) as a recognized Italian School abroad!

This benchmark strengthens our Italian Curriculum and opens up more possibilities for our students and faculty.
“Last year has been an amazing one. Through the hard work of our Faculty and Staff, we achieved many milestones, but the Parificazione is by far the one that required the most commitment and brought the greatest joy. One of the strengths of our curriculum is the fluidity between different disciplines, and it is now enriched by the strength of the Italian National curriculum, a real life-changing opportunity!” – Valentina Imbeni, Head of School
What benefits does this bring for La Scuola and your child?
- La Scuola is the first and only Italian Accredited School on the west coast!
- Funding from Italy for our Italian Programs
- Funding for Professional Development for our Faculty
- Access to the excellent academic and curriculum resources available to all schools in Italy
- A strong exchange ability to move to a school in Italy and other destinations in the EU from La Scuola and vice-versa
- Continuing to ensure the quality of our Italian program
- Further support from our Italian Consulate promoting us locally and nationally
Thank You to our Italian Immersion Committee, made up of La Scuola teachers and administrators, who have worked over the past year and a half to make this happen. Grazie to Italian Consul General and La Scuola parent, Lorenzo Ortona and the Director of Educational Programs at the Italian Consulate Anna Zeppieri for their hard work, unwavering support and for going above and beyond to make the attainment of this accreditation process smoother.
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