Bentornata d’Italia Valentina!
We are happy to welcome back Valentina from her travels in Italy!

Recently our beloved Head of School, Valentina Imbeni, travelled to Rome to participate in the Joint Action Assembly for Italian Language in the World, “Stati Generali della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo”.

The event was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research, the Accademia della Crusca and the Embassy of the Helvetic Confederation to Italy.
The event focused on the theme of “Italian and the Internet, Networks for Italian”. It was a twofold theme. On the one hand it analyses the evolution of the Italian language on IT platforms and the educational and didactic potential the Web.
On the other hand, it enhances the “physical networks” that work to disseminate the Italian language in the world, i.e. the Italian Cultural Institutes, the network of Italian schools in the world, the universities, the Committees of the Dante Alighieri Society, and the associations of Italians abroad.
Valentina shared this video about La Scuola and what we are as an Italian Language & Cultural Immersion school here in San Francisco.
Valentina Presents on La Scuola as an Italian Language Immersion School in San Francisco.
Be sure to click CC for English Subtitles.
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